May 13, 2024
Angular vs React in 2020 _ Differences between React and AngularJS
There are so many articles titled “Angular vs React”, “React vs Angular”, “Angular or React”; Both Angular and React have component-based architecture, which means they have cohesive, reusable and modular components. But, the difference comes at the point of tech stack ; which gives excellence to React; So this is whatwe are going to explain in this blog post.

There are so many articles titled “Angular vs React”, “React vs Angular”, “Angular or React”; Both Angular and React have component-based architecture, which means they have cohesive, reusable and modular components. But, the difference comes at the point of tech stack ; which gives excellence to React; So this is whatwe are going to explain in this blog post.

The problem of stability and compatibility at Angular 2

After the release of the Angular 2 in spring 2016, all previous release teachers, Angularjs 1.x, raised their hopes very high with a new version that continues the gliming drive initiated by the predecessor.

But the first months of Angular’s life were very difficult and constituted a sort of shock for his lover. Although, the Angular team has been developing and getting out the second version of light for years; the result has never been perfect, especially in terms of performance, stability and developer experience.

One of the most prominent problems that Angular 2 has experienced was (and remains to a lesser extent) how many big and many errors developers face. This instability has left many of them leaving this framework in search of another, quieter and more stable solution.

This large amount of bug and patch has forced the developer team to release a new big version every 6 months! ; Each new version had new advantages and reprops for the mistakes of the previous version. Compatibility is often lost from one version to another and the issue of transition becomes more difficult and less smooth. This may explain how we have now reached the ninth big issue in just four years! The Vue 2 is still in existence and it was launched in the same period as Angular 2.

Vue is less large and complex than Angular. But this does not justify the significant level of instability suffered by the second.

For example, if React, it can move from version 15 (April 2016) to version 16 (current version) smoothly; even with the large additions the React.JS Library has recently seen (such as Hooks), compatibility is still very good with older versions.

So we can say that many Web developers have abandoned Angular because of the Angular himself and not because of any other competitor.

Angular projects are often large and unsuitable for independants

What can also be seen is often that Angular projects are often large and unsuitable for individual freelancers.

For example, react projects are much more than Angular projects on free-work sites and platforms such as Freelancer, Upwork; or even stand-alone. Projects for your banks, human resources management (CRM), etc… This type of complex project is acquired by companies that have full-time developers at their premises.

It is like comparing, for example, PHP frameworks to a Java EE environment, the first is not much needed in the remote labor market, while the second is clearly the most used one.

React.JS helps us learn JavaScript

When you use react, you type 100% JavaScript code, there is no HTML or any type of template system that we’re used to in Angular or even Vue, for example. HTML codes written in JSX format that is ultimately just JavaScript.

On the other hand, each component in React is a function or function that accepts parameters, and since React Hooks became visible, we can also set the state of the component within that function, after it was previously the exclusive domain of Class components.

To understand how the Hooks works, we must read a lot about the concept of the Closures in JavaScript and understand how it works, which means that the result is an improvement in the level of JavaScript.

React also drives us toward embracing functional programming principles and understanding their foundations such as Immutability, Pure functions and higher order functions. These foundations will be found everywhere in the react.JS environment and will make you learn a lot about how JavaScript works and works behind the scenes.

Unidirectional data flow

One of the most important things that distinguish the React library from other JavaScript libraries and frameworks is the one-way flow of data or the Unidirectional Data Flow feature. This feature is valuable as the application becomes more complex and components are interlinked.

The Unidirectional Data Flow concept is that everything starts with setState() functionality that the developer must use whenever they want to change a particular state in the application. There is no behind-the-scenes Reactivity concept on which libraries such as Vue or Velte are built.

Whenever we update the status with SetState(), Virtual Dom is rebuilt based on the new status and the user interface is then updated. This process is always in one direction and in a declarative manner, making code more readable, understandable, and less prone to errors.

This way even input fields cannot control any state until you pass through setState().

<!--This is React -->
  onChange={event => this.setState({ name: })}
<!--This is Angular-->
<input [(ngModel)]="name" type="text" />

These were the most prominent motives behind the abandonment of Google’s framework by thousands of developers around the world.

Special experience and personal governance play a significant role in such issues and debates. So it would be nice to share your views on what came in this article and what points you may not agree with about it.

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