April 28, 2024

If you are a photographer or are used to taking and sharing photos over the internet, it is important to protect your photos from copyright infringement. Simply because images are one of the most misused types of content on the web, especially since many use Google Images as if it were a free library available to download and save images, despite the clear warnings that appear below each image stating that the image may be copyright protected. . For this reason, if you post pictures online, it pays to take some time and make sure they are protected. Especially after discovering several cases of images posted on the Internet being used on billboards all over the world without their owner’s permission. If you are looking for proof of ownership of images to protect their misuse. Fortunately, there are many copyright checking services that can help you with this necessary step.

Safe Creative

An effective copyright verification tool used to protect documents and any type of content, including images. The service is popular for digital copyright registration to show proof of ownership rights to creative owners in case of plagiarism or misuse of protected material.

CopyRight Gov

If you decide to register your copyright for a particular image, you can go to the CopyRight Gov portal and click on Register Copyright. Next, you will need to specify that you want to copyright an image. All you have to do is create a user account and login. Then you can click on Register a New Claim.

And review the three questions in the next window and answer them to start the registration process. You will be asked to select the type of business you want to register. It is enough to choose it from the drop-down list and then go through the rest of the following steps until an order is registered!.


One of the best ways to protect your photo is to put a visible watermark over it. However, it seems like a tricky step that requires skill in placing a mark that is dark enough to be visible and central enough not to be easily cropped, while at the same time not spoiling the image quality.

Through the watermark service, you can add a watermark to your photos either by text or by image. The service also has features for resizing and compressing images.

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