May 14, 2024

Do you have a friend who says things like : unzip – strip – grip – mount – and f sack, either he gets laid a whole lot or he’s a Linux user, so what is Linux??

We are all familiar with Windows and Mac OS well, another operating system is Linux now technically, Linux refers to the kernel. Kernel refers to the base structure or framework an operating system is built around, while GNU Linux refers to the whole package (GNU software plus the Linux kernel)
But just to know, everyone simply calls it Linux, so how is Linux different from Windows? for starters, Linux is open source, this means that anyone can help contribute to development and anyone is free to modify and retribute the source code, as a result there are many operating systems using the Linux kernel such as, Ubuntu Chrom and Android. In fact you can apply Linux running on many things such as ATM machines, government facilities, NASA, Amazon ,Facebook, and Google. All using Linux in some way, even most web servers use Linux and even some cars and animated movies.

The development of Linux is very fast thanks to the many contributors from all over the world, a new kernel is released every three months compare that to at least every three years for windows. Also Linux is typically more secure than Windows due to how it manages account privileges.

About Linux and Mac OS, well this gets a little complicated. You can say that Linux and Mac OS are distant cousins, without getting into too much detail. Mac OS uses a kernel called darwin this kernel is based off of BSD which uses UNIX, see? everything began around a system called UNIX.
AT&T created the system in late 60s, it was’nt an open source and had to be license out to different companies. Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux comes along and creates a kernel like UNIX but without using any proprietary code.

So if Linux is so great why isn’t everyone using it?
well for two big reasons! compatibility and user friendliness.
If we think about this, we use Windows from our primary operating systems simply because all of our software namely Adobe Creative Suite is only compatible with Windows and Mac.
And finally, we hate to admit it but Linux is not that user friendly, it makes you feel that the command-line is so difficult and you have to memorize commands.

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