May 15, 2024

The Gradient photo editor application has recently spread to the top of the list of the most downloaded applications in all parts of the world, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To add a kind of professionalism and simplicity while editing images, the application created a big buzz due to the way in which images can be edited, and the new Gradient provides many paid features that use artificial intelligence when editing images in addition to some free basic effects. Adding filters and some other features such as changing the hair color or discovering celebrities who are similar to them, and the application has been described to be very similar to the other popular application FaceApp, as it includes some features that help to identify the identity of users who are similar to them through analyzing the images after uploading them to explore race or The strain to which it belongs, and thousands of users have shared their experience in the application by uploading their profile picture and sharing the results of the analysis in their accounts on the communication platforms.

Gradient analyzes facial features when uploading images, and gives the percentage of similarity between your features and user profiles and gives your nationality accordingly, in addition to a number of country flags that resemble your features and next to it a percentage indicating the proximity of your features to your phone. You will click on this link if your mobile phone runs the Android operating system, or this link for iPhone users.

Then you upload your personal photo that you want to reveal the ancestry and ethnicity of it, and by using the smart application algorithm, your ethnic background will be determined after analyzing and processing the images.

The application contains other distinct options for editing images such as exclusive tools and filters made, but they are not completely free.

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