May 15, 2024

Google is preparing to launch its plan to return its employees to work after weeks of working remotely from the homes, which the company says will be done in a gradual way, and contrary to what Facebook and Twitter have done, the CEO of Google had indicated that the company Never plan to rely on work from home.

The CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey have announced that employees who want to continue working from their homes can do it for the rest of their contracts, which set a precedent in the history of famous technology companies.

In another side, Mark Zuckerberg had announced that employees who were forced by Coronavirus of working from home they can continue to do so for a period ranging between five and ten years, with the exception of employees whose nature of their work actually requires attendance.

As for Google, it has indicated in a new statement to it that it will start opening its offices on the 6th of next July, but it will be for a limited number of employees, whereby the employees who will have to go to the offices will begin to receive notifications telling them to return to work next June 10, until the company arrives To 30 percent of the capacity of its operating offices from employees during the month of September, and to facilitate the process, Google will work with the principle of rotation by coming to offices once every two weeks.

Google CEO Sandar Pichai also indicated that the company will be more flexible with remote work options untill the end of the pandemic.

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