May 15, 2024

If we wanted to get rid of artificial intelligence technologies as they appear in our lives today, it will be difficult to adapt without these technologies, we will not be able to use Google maps that show us the directions wherever we go, and there will be no personal assistant Siri or Alexa to help us search for Google or Scheduling an important meeting, and do not forget that Boeing 777 pilots actually control the plane and fly in it for only seven minutes, and the rest is done via artificial intelligence technology.

In the absence of artificial intelligence, there will be no marketing automation, clever selling tools that attract customers, automation of operations and carrying out useful business insights, or even chatbots that answer simple and frequent customer questions.

Matthew Kebby, vice president of services for Sage believes that artificial intelligence technology does a lot of tasks on our behalf, as it has been telling us what we have been doing over the past years, and we listen to it because we are fully aware of its accuracy.

Someone might say that these technologies make us lazy, but in reality they freed us from boring routine tasks, and gave us more time to innovate and think about developing our business and solving social problems in new ways, or even preventing these problems in the first place.

The artificial intelligence market is growing at an amazing pace, as the International Data Corporation (IDC) expects that the value of this market will exceed $ 79 billion by 2022, while international Research said that artificial intelligence will become one of the five most important investment priorities for more than 30% of the heads IT executives in 2020 (Well that’s now !).

All this while we are still in the narrow circle of intelligence, but what will happen when we start to expand and come close to the circle of general intelligence, or what is called Super Intelligence?

It is true that we are still smarter than machines, they give us data and we decide what to do with it, and tell it what to search and other orders, but the goal of general intelligence is to imitate the human brain effectively so that machines can act without telling them what to do, but what will happen In this case then?

Before we answer this question, we must think about what a person is first, as he can process data quickly and benefit from a sense of intuition, creativity and empathy when making a decision, unlike machines that may not be able to imitate human feelings and emotions forever, and for this reason in particular, artificial intelligence technology needs to Human intelligence to support it, we made this technology in the first place.

There is no doubt that smart individuals will create artificial neural networks capable of thinking and behaving like humans, as machines will analyze complex data in an instant and make decisions on their own, and we may have no choice but to accept these decisions, unless we want to spend long decades analyzing data that artificial intelligence technology treat it previously within a few seconds.

At the same time artificial intelligence and algorithms can expect natural disasters to enable emergency response teams to act faster and more effectively. These algorithms can analyze your family’s medical history to undertake a customized treatment program and improve recovery opportunities, not to mention the ability of smart watches to tell their users to go to the doctor immediately because they are at risk of having a heart attack.

There is no artificial intelligence without humans?
There is no use of artificial intelligence without the presence of humans who make decisions and actions on the ground, like the emergency teams that save lives, doctors who monitor patients ’vital signs and their response to treatment, or business leaders who use artificial intelligence to make a difference in their sectors. But artificial intelligence has contributed to the enhancement of human intelligence. In the business world, for example, cloud computing technologies, software as services, and process automation have contributed to reducing administrative burdens and providing useful insights that businesses need to reduce complexity and maintain competition.

So artificial intelligence technology is changing the way companies manage their employees and operations with the goal of improving customer service, enhancing productivity, and driving a company’s drive towards innovative technology.

Human intelligence and artificial intelligence complement each other, so they do not exist in isolation from one another, and machines may one day become smarter than us, but isn’t this a good thing? When we know exactly what we want to do, we can achieve better and faster results, and that is exactly what we have been trying to achieve for decades.

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