May 14, 2024
Coronavirus has forced most countries into a state of siege. We sit at home until at least 30 April. On the other hand, technology is evolving: the authorities have to regularly remind about the quarantine, monitor its execution, measure the temperature of citizens. We’re telling you what digital methods are used to stop a pandemic.

Coronavirus has forced most countries into a state of siege. We sit at home until at least 30 April. On the other hand, technology is evolving: the authorities have to regularly remind about the quarantine, monitor its execution, measure the temperature of citizens. We’re telling you what digital methods are used to stop a pandemic.

What’s going on yet?

Pyrometers. It’s a new omen: you walk into an airport, a train station, or a big hospital, and a special person will point a temperature-measuring contraption at you. It’s a pyrometer, the unexpectedly most relevant gadget of the current spring.

In the past, the sale of pyrometers and thermal isomers was not more than 1% of the total number of temperature recorders. Now that there was a need for non-contact diagnostics, similar equipment was purchased throughout the country. The producers have long sold the residue and do not know where to get new parts in China, and the plants are just starting to open.

What technologies wants to stop a pandemic?


Geolocalisation of the smartphone. When the coronavirus entered Europe, people were obliged to sit in self-isolation. To control performance, they wrote down passport data, phone number and address.

Those who violated the house quarantine were calculated from the phone’s geolocation – officials saw that the owner of the mobile phone had left the apartment and, for example, had gone somewhere by car. As the media reports, this system is now used, too, but only for those infected with coronavirus. Or those who have had contact with the infected.

Notification system

According to the latest presidential decree, citizens must not leave their homes unnecessarily until 30 April. Since the governors themselves invent how to motivate the population to comply with the quarantine, the methods differ.


However, some regions went beyond the usual warning. SMS-passes were introduced. The way it works is you write a free text with your FIO, passport number and address, including the apartment number. Then you get a reply message, which lists the possible targets for the exit. There are nine of them, you specify the appropriate one. Let’s say, «visit credit institutions».

After that the «permit» SMS arrives – you can stay out of the house for the next hour. That’s the message you need to show if you’re stopped on the street. However, a pass is not required for routine business: it is possible to go to the nearest shop to buy and walk the dog freely.

The QR

First you register on a portal. Then fill out the exit request. In the special field, you enter the FIO, the number of the house (the apartment is not obligatory), the address of the destination and the «reason for the exit». Tell me if you’ve been abroad and if you have a coronavirus.

The system then analyzes whether to give the person a pass. If all goes well, the QR code appears on the screen, which is scanned and scanned. QR code is obligatory at any exit to the street. But it takes three hours to get to the grocery store or the pharmacy.

Electronic bracelets

This method was also suggested. And electronic bracelets should be worn on quarantine violators. «If cases are discovered that those under suspicion are wandering around the city, take measures up to the point of putting on electronic bracelets so that it is possible to react.

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