May 15, 2024

In today’s article we’re trying to make sure we keep you up to date on the kinds of misinformation that are out there, and the measures that some of the tech giants are now taking to clam down on that misinformation.

Some of these fake cures or preventative measures that people are posting about on social media, don’t take them seriously, some people posting that you can take a mix of oregano oil, vitamin C and salt water, that you should drink bleach! obviously you don’t want to be doing things like that. But one especially strange thing coming out of South Korea is “kimchi” you might be familiar with it is the staple dish of fermented cabbage garlic and Chili Peppers,

During the SARS epidemic some researchers in South Korea claimed that “kimchi” might be responsible for the relatively low number of cases in South Korea because of that bacteria, during the fermentation process. Well actually south korea’s government has come out last week and said it’s not the case, the dish is not going to keep you safe from coronavirus the best measure is to wash your hands.

Other food-related cures or preventative measures popping up in Australia as well, a number of different foods being flagged by fake posts online, we want to show you some of these fake alerts suggesting that Chinese Red Bull fortune cookies or Meegeren noodles could give you corona virus all of those fake.



But one other thing that we’re seeing is the social media Giants cracking down on fake posts, Fake messaging, Facebook coming out just today with its head of Health saying they have a team of fact-checkers around the world who are looking for mister information relating to the coronavirus and they say when those factors rate information as false we limit its spread on Facebook and Instagram and show people accurate information from these partners.

Facebook and Twitter also said that they will also send notifications to people who already shared or are trying to share that content to alert them that it’s been affected checked, they say they’ll remove false claims or conspiracy theories if they are flagged by an international health organization, or local health authorities, but not just if an average person Flags them, so there’s lots still out there.

So be careful when you are looking online as we heard from the South Korean government, the best measures is to wash your hands, prevent sneezing coughing on other people, cough into your sleeves, things like that.

So, we can’t say that advice enough, good respiratory hygiene principles and protocols, that’s what they tell us to do to stop the virus that spread, and for information doctors have been telling us to look for ways to prevent getting sick, anywhere but Facebook !

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